CUMMING — Applications are being accepted for a trip to the nation’s capital that is available to a select group of high school students.
Juniors and seniors whose parents are Sawnee Electric Membership Corp. members can apply through Feb. 13 to be considered as a delegate to the 2015 Washington Youth Tour, which will be held June 11-18.
“This is a very prestigious award and will go to two students of the many that will apply,” said Blake House, vice president of member services for Sawnee EMC.
Students who are selected will gain a firsthand experience to see “what electric co-ops from across the U.S. are experiencing and how co-op member’s energy needs are met by 21stcentury approaches.”
The two student delegates, selected by Sawnee EMC, will participate in electric cooperative-focused leadership training and converse with elected officials about the areas that electric cooperatives serve.
They can also jump-start their national peer network and tour the city with a focus on the electric cooperative business model and issues facing the industry, Sawnee EMC officials said.
In 2014, the local delegates were part of a record 1,660 students from across the county who participated in the event.
Applications can be found at
For questions or more information, contact Cindy Badgett at (678) 455-1399 or