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Drama debuts at LHS
One-act plays start Thursday
Lambert Plays 4 es
Jordan Forte, who plays Kim, performs in the one-act play "Fortress" during rehearsal Thursday evening at Lambert High School. Performing and posing as background and scenery, from top to bottom, are Molly Howell, Tori Barnwell and Hannah Rose. - photo by Emily Saunders
At a glance

“All You Need is Love" opens Thursday and runs through Oct. 3. All shows begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults. Proceeds from concessions and congratulatory flowers on sale during the show will benefit the troupe.

For more information, go online at
Looking for love? Try Lambert High School.

The Acting Troupe of Lambert High School will debut Thursday with back-to-back one-act plays for an event dubbed “All You Need is Love.”

“I think it’s going to be a really good first show,” said junior Dana Ecley, an ensemble cast member. “The show overall has a really good message that teenagers can relate to, but also adults can relate to it, and I think it’s a really good way to get our name out there.

“It’s coming together really well and I think it’s going to be awesome.”

Lambert, the district's fifth high school, opened last month. Ecley, who attended South Forsyth High School last year, said she’s excited about the debut of the troupe, which calls itself the ATL.

The group will perform “Fortress,” by Michael Scanlan, and selections from the musical “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change,” by Joe DiPietro.

The two both deal with love and relationships, good and difficult times, Ecley said.

The troupe's next performance likely will be a more popular full-length play, drama department director Jeff Shrader said. But with the Georgia Theatre Conference just a couple weeks away, the group needed to prepare a one-act for competition.

“I let the students select the plays, and these are just two that they were interested in,” said Shrader, who taught last year at South Forsyth.

“We actually managed to win best play in the state of Georgia last year ... and so the kids are already motivated to try to continue that tradition,” Shrader said. “We’re putting things in place for the first time, we’re having to build flats for the first time.

“Throughout the summer they came up and met with us and we’ve been painting, building and all sorts of things.”

The newness of Lambert’s drama department also means it doesn't have an established community following.

“We’ve had to raise our own money and start from scratch,” said junior Mike Magliochetti. “It’s very difficult bringing anything new up, clubs and everything, because just we’re starting from scratch and not having any traditions.

“Throughout the year we’re going to do a lot of fundraising I’m sure.”

Both Ecley and Magliochetti will perform with the ensemble in “Fortress,” which is the piece they will also perform at the conference. Magliochetti said rehearsals have been hectic, but it has "come a long way.”

“The two shows we’re doing are both about love and I think that’s what really brings a community together," he said. "And I think that’s what an opening needs -- coming together and unifying in love.”
