Forsyth County’s planning board hopes to remain intact.
The five-member panel voted unanimously during a work session Tuesday night to ask the county commission to withdraw plans to temporarily disband it.
In May, commissioners discussed suspending the planning board as a cost-saving measure. The next month, they voted 3-2 in favor of holding public hearings on the matter.
Ironically, the first of those hearings would be held before the planning board later this month.
The second would be before commissioners in September, when a final vote could occur.
Ken Jarrard, county attorney, said he will take the planning board’s request to the commission.
"If the [commission] accepts that recommendation … what it does is puts a stop to the public hearing we’re currently working on now," Jarrard said.
Pam Livesay, who chairs the planning board, said she doesn’t think suspending the group would be in the county’s best interest.
She offered some suggestions, including revising the rules the panel follows, that may help it survive.
The planning board agreed 4-1, with Joe Moses against, to discuss the suggestions at its next meeting.