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Letter to the editor
Enjoy Christmas for what it means
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Forsyth County News
We are getting closer to Christmas time.  We tend to suffocate ourselves in shopping, wrapping presents, decorating our houses, and bustling about with holiday preparations.  Many of us forget the reason we celebrate this joyous time of year.

Christmas is truly a time for family and for thanks. We should be celebrating the miracle of Christ’s birth and spending quality time with each other. If you pay attention to the real meaning of Christmas, you will experience a sensational feeling of elation.  I’m not saying that you shouldn’t give someone a pleasant gift, but when you do, make sure it comes from the heart. Just don’t get too caught up in holiday shopping, because people who do sometimes end up feeling anxious and stressed rather than peaceful.

So the next time you hear about that “one day only” sale at your favorite store, you don’t have to rush out immediately!

Think about it, do you really need that stuff?  Instead you could stay home. Donate a gift to someone who cannot afford what you can. Set up the tree with your family. Make a meal for the homeless, or bake a pie with a friend.  I may only be 12 years old, but I do understand the true meaning of Christmas.

Roni Webber
