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Letter to the editor
Preserving Constitution priority for us all
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Forsyth County News
The developing civil uprising in America by citizens concerned about the future of the U.S. Constitution and the American ideal is clearly understood by virtually as many who do not understand the concern for the national crisis.  

Strangely, the most successful government structure on the planet has allowed those that seemed destined to destroy it to prosper. It’s ironic that those intent on saving the Constitution would in fact assure its detractors a safe haven to continue to preach their disdain.

Since the 9-11 attack did not galvanize our nation, apparently most self interest groups will not come to the defense of our country until it is their own selfish interest that is challenged.

This country could easily fall by the wayside in a history book unless “we the people” understand all of us constitute the “we” and must defend the Constitution first in order to wage our personal issue campaigns.

Larry Park
