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Fairburn man charged for Forsyth County motorcycle wreck

Local authorities have arrested a driver who they say was responsible for a wreck that left a motorcyclist in critical condition last week.

According to Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Cpl. Doug Rainwater, Anthony Kimani Mwangi, 56, of Fairburn self-surrendered at the Forsyth County Jail on April 22, and was charged with failure to yield causing injury to a pedestrian/cyclist and failure to yield right of way.

Mwangi, Anthony Kimani.JPG
Anthony Kimani Mwangi

Rainwater said that on April 16, a 2016 Suzuki motorcycle operated by Sabah Salam, 33, of Cumming was traveling south across Hwy. 20 from Market Place Boulevard when it collided in the intersection with a 2014 Land Rover, driven by Mwangi, which was turning left onto Hwy. 20.

At the time of the wreck, authorities told the Forsyth County News that Salam was dragged by the Land Rover and trapped underneath it.

Division Chief Jason Shivers of the Forsyth County Fire Department said that bystanders worked to free the victim, but firefighters ultimately used a hydraulic spreader tool to raise the vehicle. 

After being extricated, Salam was rushed to a local hospital in critical condition. Rainwater said that Salam is still in critical condition, but improving.

Mwangi is alleged to be the driver at fault in the wreck, Rainwater said, turning into the path of the motorcycle, which had the right of way.

Mwangi was briefly held in the Forsyth County Jail, but was released on April 23 under a $1,230 bond.

Rainwater said that the wreck is still under investigation by the Sheriff’s Office Traffic Specialist Unit. 
