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One of three missed school days to be made up
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FORSYTH COUNTY — It appears students in Forsyth County Schools won’t have to make up all of the days of class they missed last week due to the winter weather.

“At this time, we are only recovering one of the three [days],” said system spokeswoman Jennifer Caracciolo, who added that officials are working on recovering staff time.

With continuing icy conditions resulting from Tuesday’s snowstorm, the school district was closed Wednesday through Friday.

One of the missed days will be made up April 21, which is listed on the school system calendar as the second of two inclement weather days.

“At this point in the school year, the third weekend in February, spring break (March 31-April 4) and the last day of school will not change for students,” Caracciolo said.

The first inclement weather day on the calendar, March 17, will take the place of Jan. 7, when single-digit temperatures forced the district to call off school.

The decision not to make up the two other days is subject to change, but as of Friday the school year of 178 days would become 176 days, according to Caracciolo.

“If more inclement weather occurs or if modifications are made by the state in relation to testing, this decision might be revisited in the future,” she said.

While school was called off Friday, all athletic activities scheduled to start after normal school hours resumed.

In addition, the system noted that the deadline for 2014-15 out-of-district requests has been extended to Feb. 7 as a result of this week's inclement weather.

The school system released students early Tuesday, ahead of the winter storm, and also was closed on Wednesday and Thursday.

Caracciolo has previously said that officials monitored the weather and roads situation continuously throughout the week.

As of Thursday afternoon, she noted, they still had “a number of trouble spots on many of our side roads and within subdivisions. Additionally, we also have a number of problem spots at many of our school campuses.”

School system facilities personnel worked to clear known problem spots around schools, including “shady and steeply sloped drives.”

There were other factors as well that went into the decision-making process. Caracciolo noted that many school system employees live outside of Forsyth and would not have been able to leave their homes safely.

“We appreciate your patience and thank you again for your support,” she said to parents.
