The five candidates at Monday night’s Forsyth County Tea Party forum appeared to be speaking from the same plan.They all agree on lowering taxes, reducing government spending, closing the borders to immigrants and supporting charter schools and vouchers.“They’re all conservatives,” attendee Rusty Broome said. “To me, politics is 90 percent persuasion and 10 percent about what you’re really about … and I’m learning if you actually go face to face and actually listen to what the candidates say, you can tell whether or not they can persuade somebody.”Broome said he was able to pick some of his favorites from Monday’s forum, which featured District 26 House hopefuls Tom Knox and Geoff Duncan and District 27 state Sen. Jack Murphy and opponent Steve Voshall.Also speaking were Martha Zoller, who is running for the District 9 U.S. House seat, and a representative of fellow candidate Doug Collins’ campaign.All candidates offered opening and closing remarks to introduce themselves.Zoller noted her corporate business experience before deciding to be a stay-at-home-mom of four. Duncan, a former professional baseball player, talked about his business background and family, including three sons he said inspired him to run.
Forum focuses on state legislature, congress
Approach on issues similar
