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Lend time, hand this weekend
Clean waterways, help out disabled
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Forsyth County News

• To volunteer this weekend or for future opportunities, contact (770) 205-1701 or go online at

• For more information about the river cleanup, call (770) 205-4573.
Some local nonprofit organizations could use a helping hand this weekend.

Forsyth County Community Connection is encouraging volunteers to take part in several projects.

Among them is the Rivers Alive 2009 event at the Six Mile Park boat ramp on Hwy. 369.

Sponsored by Keep Forsyth County Beautiful, the cleanup targets some of the most polluted sections on Forsyth County’s side of Lake Lanier.

Volunteers are needed from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.

Kevin Smith, community outreach specialist with the organization, said he has about 20 volunteers and can always use more.

“The past two years, with the lake being as low as it was, there wasn’t a whole lot of lake traffic, and so we made a lot of progress and really caught up and were able to get a lot of stuff we normally couldn’t get to,” he said. “But I have a couple of spots that are always going to have some litter.”

Smith said the group holds a handful of river cleanups each year, especially during fall.

Other volunteer opportunities this weekend include lawn assistance for the disabled, coordinated by the Forsyth Disability Coalition Inc.

Volunteers will help homeowners with disabilities with seasonal yard work, including grass, leaves and general yard cleanup.

Help is also sought with two Forsyth County Parks and Recreation events.

Year-round assistance is needed every weekend to keep and maintain the grounds at the Sawnee Mountain Preserve.

This weekend, the department is also holding the Forsyth Junior Winter Satellite Tennis Tournament.

The event Saturday and Sunday draws about 100 tennis players from Forsyth and across North Georgia.

“We’ve gotten no volunteers for that,” said Kerry Rosewall, volunteer coordinator for Community Connection.

“It’s a big tournament and they need some good volunteers to help them.”

Rosewall added that there are many ways to volunteer every week in Forsyth.

With it being Thanksgiving month, she said, people “start thinking about the abundance that they have and what they’re thankful for and they do start thinking about people that are less fortunate.”