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Sawnee Indian Festival this weekend
Event has neat things to see
Indian Fest 4 es
Chimsey Harjo gets ready for a dance during the 2008 Sawnee Indian Festival and Rendezvous at the Cumming Fairgrounds. - photo by File photo
The Sawnee Indian Festival and Rendezvous is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday at the Cumming Fairgrounds.

It’s an event fairgrounds administrator Dave Horton described as a “good day out with lots of neat things to see.”

Included in this weekend’s show are dancers, musicians, craftsmen and a sampling of foods such as buffalo burgers, Indian fried bread, gator tail and roasted corn.

Event vendor Ron Colombe of Kennesaw said the show should give visitors a “representation from different tribes all across the country.”

“You get together, you dance, you sing, you share food,” he said. “It’s all about community and sharing.”

Colombe, who is with the Lakota American Indian tribe, said the idea is to bring together folks who are adept at different specialties.

“You have people who make great moccasins or some people who do fantastic beadwork or leather work,” he said.

Much of the event’s draw comes from the area’s history, according to Colombe.

“Georgia is a very rich area for Cherokee heritage,” he said. “You’re going to hear all the time how somewhere in someone’s family tree they’ve got some Cherokee.”

Colombe also talked with excitement about entertainer Okefenokee Joe, who plans to put on a show at the festival.

“He’s an amazing person,” Colombe said. “I wish more people knew about him.”

Horton said Okefen-okee Joe had planned to attend last year’s festival, but was forced to cancel due to health reasons.

“He’s back, kicking strong now,” Horton said. “He’s always a great entertainer. He’ll do a snake show, then he’ll come back later with his guitar out and sing some songs. He puts on a great show.”

The event runs from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday.

Tickets can be purchased at the fairgrounds. Cost: $8 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-12 and free those 4 and younger.